Sunday, June 8, 2008

June 8, 2008

Fried egg and buttered toast

Pulled pork sandwich, cole slaw, cookie. I ate all of the meat, about a third of the bun, a few bites of cole slaw and the whole cookie. I am now obsessed with barbeque pork. This was from Heavenly Ham and no where near as good as Bob Evans.
Mini bagel hotdogs with white cheddar, BBQ bacon mushrooms and cake. This was about 2 mini hotdogs past hunger but I ate them anyway.
I ate the cheese curls and candy later but I wasn't hungry. I think I get anxious in the evening and I eat. Afterward I did not feel good. I need to remember this, that eating when I'm not hungry doesn't make me feel better. It actually makes me feel worse.

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